Transylvania guided travels, tours and trips Viajes, recorridos y visitas guiadas por Transilvania

Golden Krone Transylvania Resort 0

10 reasons for a winter holiday in Transylvania

Day by day Transylvania is becoming a tourist destination. For a person who wants to travel to Transylvania the first question is: when is better to visit Transylvania? The answer depends just of the...

Cluj-Napoca Transylvania 0

Cluj-Napoca – the heart of Transylvania

Cluj-Napoca is the capital of Transylvania and the second town of Romania after Bucharest. Like all the world capitals, Cluj-Napoca is a cosmopolitan and a multiethnic city (German: Klausenburg; Hungarian: Kolozsvár; Medieval Latin: Castrum...

Arcalia Real Dracula Castle? 0

Happy New Year 2015!

The New Year 2015 party from the Arcalia Castle was a success! Our guests have tasted the aristocratic atmosphere from the Bethlen Castle. The Ladies and Gentlemen came with our authentic carriage and the...