Safety Travel

St. John Cassian from Romania

St. John Cassian from Romania

It is safe to go to Transylvania?

Transylvania is a part of Romania, a country from the European Union. Until now in Romania it never was a terrorist attack. Transylvania is considered one of the safety places from Europe. In case of emergency are the same rules and measures like in all the E.U. Beware of vampires…

Who travels often to Transylvania?

Transylvania is now a big European tourist destination. The Lonely Planet travel page recommends Transylvania on the first place best in travel in 2016. From imaginary travelers, like Jonathan Harker from the novel Dracula by Bram Stoker to real travelers, like HRH Prince Charles of Wales Transylvania is a worlds’ top destination.



Our philosophy and ethics in traveling to Transylvania.

Deontology in Transylvania Guided Travel Tours.

Nuestra filosofía y la ética en viajar por Transilvania.

Deontología en los viajes con guía en Transilvania.

„It is easier to travel than to write about it.” Livingstone

Golden Krone Hotel Bistritz

Golden Krone Hotel Bistritz

„Turistule, ajuns sub poala pădurii

Aruncă năcazul şi patima urii

Încearcă să prinzi din legile firii

Scânteia divină: virtutea iubirii”.  

Vasile Magdoş, Monumentul Turismului, 1936

Golden Krone Transylvania Resort

Golden Krone Transylvania Resort

Tourist, once you’re at the lap of the forest

Throw the sorrow and passion of hatred

Try to catch the laws of the nature

The divine spark: the love virtue.

Vasile Magdoş, Tourism Monument, 1936

Golden Krone Hotel Bistritz

Golden Krone Hotel Bistritz

Turista, una vez que estás en el regazo de la selva

Tire el dolor y la pasión del odio

Intenta atrapar las leyes de la naturaleza

La chispa divina: la virtud del amor.

 Vasile Magdoş, Monumento del Turismo, 1936

 Visit Transylvania

Visit Transylvania

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