What the Golden Krone Transylvania Resort offers you to visit?

Golden Krone Hotel Transylvania

Golden Krone Hotel Transylvania

Golden Krone Transylvania Resort is situated in the north of Transylvania in the famous region of Bram Stoker’s novel – Dracula. Here in Bistrita-Nasaud County our visitors can see a lot of interesting natural places, historical sites of 4 nations: Romanians, Saxons, Hungarians and Gypsies, and above all, taste the mystery of Transylvania.

 Places to visits in Bistrita-Nasaud County from Transylvania:

 1. Lechinta Wine Saxon County

Lechinta Wine Saxon County

Lechinta Wine Saxon County

2. Salt County (Sarata – Saratel) from Transylvania

Salty Mud SPA Base of Golden Krone Transylvania Resort

Salty Mud SPA Base of Golden Krone Transylvania Resort

3. Borgo Pass – Dracula County

Borgo Pass – Dracula County

Borgo Pass – Dracula County

4. Nasaud Romanian County

Golden Krone Transylvania Resort

Golden Krone Transylvania Resort

5. Transylvania Field County

Transylvania Field County

Transylvania Field County

6. Bistritz medieval city

Bistritz medieval city

Bistritz medieval city

And extra:

7. Cluj-Napoca capital of Transylvania

8. Targu-Mures Hungarian city

9. Sibiu Saxon city

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