Lunch near lake in Transylvania VIDEO

Lunch near lake in Transylvania
Lunch near lake in Transylvania
Lunch near lake in Transylvania

Lunch near lake in Transylvania

This is the Bear Lake from the Transylvania, Sovata. We are in the Carpathian Garden in a restaurant with a special lunch. Here we can taste traditional Romanian & Hungarian food, international recipes and vegetarian food.

For drinking, the best association between the place (the bear lake) and the drink is the Ursus Beer – the bear beer.

The Sovata Lake from the Carpathian Mountains is the biggest helio-thermal lake from Europe born in the XIX century after some geological events. The town is a Spa Resort well known in the Eastern Europe especially for the gynecological treatments. In Romania is famous the popular proverb: “Take me mother to Sovata to find my father!” (Du-mă mamă la Sovata ca să văd care mi tata!).

In the summer the baths in the Bear Lake are specials, because the dipper you enter in the salt water the hotter the water is becoming.

Get one of the Golden Krone Transylvania Tours and enjoy of the Wild Carpathia!

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