Happy New Year 2015!

Arcalia Real Dracula Castle?
Dracula Winter Castle
Golden Krone Transylvania Resort Carriage

Golden Krone Transylvania Resort Carriage

The New Year 2015 party from the Arcalia Castle was a success! Our guests have tasted the aristocratic atmosphere from the Bethlen Castle. The Ladies and Gentlemen came with our authentic carriage and the red carpet has expected them. Then our visitors tried the traditional Romanian aperitif (bread, salt and palinca) and we welcome them on the castle stairs. In the castle lobby all the guests received champagne and we made a first toast. The dance vas opened by waltz. The New Year dinner was an elegant one including Romanian traditional food (sausages, sarmale, piftie, etc.).

At the middle night we want to the church to pray for the God blessing for the New Year. The party continued until the morning and it was a glamorous transylvanian ball…

Happy New Year to all!

Golden Krone Transylvania Ball 2015

Golden Krone Transylvania Ball 2015

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