Credibility of prof. Florin I. Bojor

Curriculum Vitae Florin Ioan Bojor

 (Théologue, philosophe, politicien, traducteur, journaliste, écrivain roumain)

prof. Florin Bojor from Transylvania

prof. Florin Bojor from Transylvania

Florin Ioan Bojor n. 11.12.1983 est originaire d’une ville au nord de la Transylvanie: Bistrita (Roumanie).

Il a absolvi le Séminaire Orthodoxe de Cluj – Napoca et se prépare pour être prête. Il considère la politique comme une préparation évangélique pour le sacerdoce.

Il a terminé l’Ecole de Théologie Orthodoxe de Cluj-Napoca  et en 2004 a reçu 2 bources pour l’Ecole de Théologie de Catalogne et pour l’Ecole de Philosophie : il a été le premier roumain à étudier dans ces écoles ; il a terminé toutes les 3 écoles  et faisant un an d’économie à Barcelone.

En 2007 il a publié le premier et le seul dictionnaire catalan-roumain / roumain-catalan, et à partir de là, les portes se sont ouvertes pour entrer dans la culture (Maison Roumaine de Catalogne), la politique (PIRUM),  ainsi que le mass-média, ect.

Florin & Ioana Transylvania Guide Team

Florin & Ioana Transylvania Guide Team

Pendant les années passées en Espagne, il a été président du Parti des Roumain d’Espagne (PIRUM), porte-parole au Mouvement de Roumains à traves d’Europe (MRE).

Depuis son retour en Roumanie il travaille sur la création du premier courent postmoderne : la postmodernité chrétienne (La Nouvelle Roumanie).  Il a inauguré le Club International Transilvania, une association adressée aux jeunes pour la création d’un nouveau courant de pensée.

Travel Guide Transylvania

Travel Guide Transylvania

Il absolvit en bourse le master de tourisme offert par l’Université Babes-Bolyai (2004).

Il reçu le Prix de l’Année 2011 de la part du Centre de Culture Municipal « George Cosbuc »  de Bistrita, de la catégorie « écrivains » et en 2012 de la catégorie « culture ».

Depuis 2011 il est professeur  de religion dans la région Bistriţa-Năsăud (Lycée National « Liviu Rebreanu », Lycée Nationale « Petru Rares » de Beclean, Lycée d’Arts Plastiques « Corneliu Baba » et 8 autres)

Il est marié à IoanaCozman, la fille du prêtre LazarCozman. Depuis 2014 il est père d’un petit garçon nommé Filip Ioan Bojor.

Curriculum Vitae of prof. Florin I. Bojor

(Romanian theologian, philosopher, politician, translator, journalist, writer)

Florin & Ioan waits you in Transylvania

Prof. Florin I. Bojor from Transylvania

Florin I. Bojor born in. 11.12.1983 is originally from the Dracula town’s northern Transylvania: Bistrita (Romania).

He graduated the Orthodox Seminary in Cluj-Napoca and is preparing for the priesthood. He considers politics as evangelical preparation to enter the priesthood. Between politics and theology sees a continuation, because the salvation is gained in the world, the Christians are living in the world and at the Final Judgment they will have to respond to what they did in the world and with the world.

Diccionari Catala - Romanes

Diccionari Catala – Romanes

He graduated the Faculty of Orthodox Theology in Cluj-Napoca and in 2004 he received two scholarships at the Faculty of Theology of Catalonia and the Faculty of Philosophy: he was the first Romanian who studied in these faculties. He finished all three faculties and he made one year of economy in Barcelona.

In 2007 he published the first and only Catalan – Romanian / Romanian – Catalan Dictionary and, from here the doors were opened to enter in culture (Romania House of Catalonia), politics (PIRUM) and in the media. He made programs for Barcelona TV, Radio 4 (RTVE), Radio Estel, Radio Punt 7, winning in 2008 the National Audiovisual Award of Catalonia, etc.

Florin Bojor Barcelona TV

Florin Bojor Barcelona TV

During the Spain years he has been president of the Romanian Party from Spain (PIRUM), Romania House of Catalonia and spokesman for the Movement of Romanians in Europe (MRE).

Since he returned to Romania it’s working to create the first postmodern school: the Christian postmodernity (the New Romania). He opened the International Club of Transylvania, an association for young people to create the new school of thought.

He graduated with a merit scholarship the master’s degree in tourism offered by University Babes-Bolyai (the University of Transylvania), extension Bistrita (2014).

The Queen of Transylvania Embassy Ball

The Queen of Transylvania Embassy Ball

He received the 2011 Year Award from the Municipal Cultural Center „George Cosbuc” Bistrita in the category „Writers”, and in 2012 in the category „Culture”.

In 2016 he lost the local elections for the Bistrita Town Council running like independent candidate with 521 votes.

Since 2011 is professor of religion in Bistrita-Nasaud (the National College „Liviu Rebreanu”, National College „Petru Rares” in Beclean, High Technology Services, schools of Vermes, Sângeorzu New, Budacu de Jos, Buduş, Viişoara, Sărata, Music School „Tudor Jarda” and Arts School “Corneliu Baba”).

Florin I. Bojor is married with Joana Cozman, the daughter of the priest Lazar Cozman from Sarata-Sărăţel. From 2014 he has a son, Philip John Bojor.

More information about prof. Florin I. Bojor opinions and activity on his BLOG

Tourism Experience in Spain at Hotel Sirius **** from Santa Susanna, Barcelona, Catalonia and in United Kingdom at Mother Ivey’s Bay ***** from Trevose Head, Padstow, Cornwall, England

prof. Florin I. Bojor in Liverpool

prof. Florin I. Bojor in Liverpool

Letters of Recommendation for prof. Florin I. Bojor, your Host from Transylvania

Cartas de recomendación para el prof. Florin I. Bojor, tu Anfitrión en Transilvania

Transylvania Organ Festival

Prof. Agusti Boadas – Barcelona

„Set-cents anys més tard, Florin Ioan Bojor ha tornat la visita. Membre excel·lent de la comunitat investigadora de la Facultat de Teologia de Catalunya i de la Universitat de Cluj-Napoca, amb una capacitat lògica i formal foramida, amb una filosofia només comparable a la seva laboriositat i amb una meticulositat i perseverança més que notables, ha culminat aquest doble diccionari, que per fi agermana la llengua de Verdaguer i Eminescu. Perquè, a la fi, la pàtria és la llengua, com deia el Nobel de Literatura Camilo José Cela.”

prof. Agustí Boadas Llavat, Universitat Ramon Llull – Barcelona, Prologue of the Romanian – Catalan / Catalan – Romanian Dictionary, G.B.G. Editora, Barcelona, 2007

prof. Mircea Muresianu UBB

prof. Mircea Muresianu – UBB, Transylvania

“I had a great surprise to work with people who have other majors at the undergraduate, like Mr. Florin I. Bojor, a professor of religion who graduated philosophy. Really was a great surprise to see that he come to us because he wants to practice tourism as event organizer. He entered successfully in the field. The great disappointment of him was that, at county level, he isn’t understood.

I would like to say that if this man would have support and would get somewhere in a function, he could, through his ideas and bubbling spirit mobilize energies and forces that will change the face of Romanian tourism in a country that remains a paradise in terms of natural and human potential, but the decision makers are not involved in growing up of the tourism phenomenon.”

prof. Mircea MureşianuManager of the Tourism Babes Bolyai University, Bistrita department in Time Online Newspaper

psicologa Clara Maria Pavon

psicologa Clara Maria Pavon

¿Viajas a Transilvania? Entonces igual te interesa esta página de viajes por Transilvania en limusina de mi amigo prof. Florin I. Bojor. Tengo confianza 100% en su gestión y creatividad!

Clara María Pavónpsicóloga Grupo Satori, Madrid




Oscar Willard Arciniegas Toro

Oscar Willard Arciniegas Toro

¿Quieres conocer Transilvanía más allá de la óptica turísitca? El prof. Florin I. Bojor, nativo de Bistrita y pastor de los montes Cárpatos te revelará no sólo su apasionante historia sinó también sus tesoros culturales, grastronómicos y, sobre todo, la hospitalidad de un pueblo abierto al mundo. Es tu oportunidad de total confianza. ¡Viaja!

Oscar Willard Arciniegas ToroGerente administrador de la Llar d’Infants Francesc Xavier, la Seu d’Urgell, Catalunya

Invitation in Transylvania for Mr. President of Republic of Moldova Igor Dodon


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