Classical Music Concert in Transylvania VIDEO

Golden Krone Transylvania Resort
Golden Krone Transylvania Resort
Golden Krone Transylvania Resort

Golden Krone Transylvania Resort

After Girolamo Diruta published in 1593 his musical treatise entitled “Il Transilvano” (The Transylvanian) and after Johannes Caioni (Ion Căianu) published his musical collection “Codex Caioni”, Europe wonders where Transylvania is with its music?
Now, Transylvania has a big music culture with a lot of Philharmonics and orchestras:
1. in Cluj-Napoca – the capital of Transylvania: the Transylvania State Philharmonic, the Romanian National Opera and the Hungarian Opera.
2. in Brasov: the Philharmonic Orchestra and the Brasov Opera;
3. in Targu Mures: the State Philharmonic,
4. in Sibiu: the Philharmonic Orchestra.
Other towns like Bistrita, Zalau, Alba Iulia, Deva, etc. are inviting each month a European orchestra to perform a classical music concert.
In this way all the tourist that are coming to Transylvania can enjoy of a classical music concert or opera show. That’s why the guided tours provided by Golden Krone Transylvania Travel are starting with an opera show or a classical music concert.

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